1653 to 1837 |
![]() |
In 1928 F.W. Clark of Bradford extracted & transcribed Redmile marriages from 'Leicestershire Parish Registers' published c1900 by Phillimore. He then added all those Redmile residents found elsewhere in the surrounding parishes and various notes on the families he had researched. Although it is unclear why or which family he was tracing, Mr Clark was the son of the surgeon at Stathern, and related to the Mussons.
The transcription of his document follows. Notes in italics are by Mr Clarke.
Abbreviations: p. = parish, W. = widow/er, lic./licence = married by licence
Marriages at Redmile,
1653 to 1837
Note.-Volume 1, one of the smallest registers in the neighbourhood, consists of only five leaves of parchment, measuring 8¾ by 5½ inches, stitched into a cover of limp black leather. It is headed ''Redmill Regester begone to be keepte by Richard Reare, appointed and sworne by Mr. William Hortop upon the 23 of February, one Thousand six hundred fifty and three-1653-for all Marriages, burialles & Christened.-' Thus it will be seen that this is the Commonwealth Register, kept by the lay register, and the earlier book, which would then be discontinued, has long disappeared. This volume contains Baptisms, Marriages and Burials from 1653 to 1662.
Volume 11. consists of 36 leaves of parchment, stitched in a dilapidated parchment cover The leaves measure about 10 by 4 inches, and the latter half of the volume is a good deal damaged, apparently by the action of fire on those near the end, and by the corners of most of the others having been nibbled away by mice, a good many entries being wholly or in part destroyed.
At one end is written "This Register was made for the Parish of Redmile Novemb: fift. one thousand six hundred sixtie and three, Tho. Duffy being Rector there And Will: Cam and John Handly at that time Church Wardens." At the other is the following note :
"There is an elder Register in the Court left by Francis Rear, Clerk. Mr. Bend knows this. The "elder register" referred to is evidently Volume 1. This second volume contains entries of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials from 1663 to 1772 inclusive.
Volume 111. is a quarto book of paper, at present unbound, though well worthy the protection a binding would afford. It is a fair copy, very neatly and carefully made, of the above two volumes.
It appears to have been done by the Rev. T. P. Outram, Rector, in 1828, who has also provided it with an index. The Marriages here printed are taken from this volume, but they have been carefully collated with the original entries in the two parchment volumes.
Volume 1V. consists of 28 leaves of parchment, measuring 13 ¼ by 8 ¼ inches, bound in parchment boards, and containing entries of Baptisms and Burials from 1722 t 1782, and Marriages from 1722 to 1769.
Volume V, a folio, bound in rough calf, has the first half consisting of printed forms for Banns, and the second of forms for marriages, which thus begin in the middle of the volume. This volume contains entries of Banns and Marriages from 1769 to 1812.
Volume VI. is a folio, bound in parchment boards, containing Marriages from 1813 to 1837.
Searchers requiring information from Redmile Registers previous to 1653 will find transcripts of the earlier volume (now lost), at Lincoln for the years 1604, 1606 to 1609 and 1618 ; and at Leicester for the years 1578, 1580, 1612, I613, 1617, 1621, l625 to 1629, 1632 to 1634 and 1636 to 1639
inclusive. These Marriages have been abstracted 22:29 30/01/2007by Mr. T. M. Blagg, and are now printed by permission of the Rev. F. E. Nugee, Rural Dean.
VOLUMES 1, 11., AND 111. |                                |
  |   |
Thomas Millner & Mary Formidge, the banes being lawfully published, was married before Sr.William Brumly, upon the second of March | 2 Mar. 1653 |
William Bridg & Rebeckcah Pasmitch had the baines of matrimony puplished in the p(ar)ish church of Redmill, & was married before the Alderman of Grantham upon the one & twentieth day of Desember. | 21 Dec.. 1654 |
Georg Toplin & Jone Harrison had the banes of matrimony published three severall sabbaths in the p[ar]ish church of Redmill, & was married before the Alderman of Grantham, on the 13 of February | 13 Feb.. 1654 |
Thomas Formidge & Eliz.th Porter | 2 July 1655 |
Richard Houtton (Houlton in transcript, but Houtton or Hooton is correct), & Ellinor Topper | 24 May 1658 |
James Handley & Ann Bend | 5 June 1662 |
Christopher Harper & Juliana (or Johanna?) Turbine, of Bingham | 31 July 1662 |
(Here ends the first Register, from which a leaf is supposed to be missing, as there is a years interval between the last date of this, and the first of the next register). "This register was made for the parish of Redmile, November fift one thousand six hundred sixtie and three, Thos. Daffy being Rector there, and Will: Cam and John Handlay at that time churchwardens". |   |
Will. Calcraft, of R., & Ann Withers, of Plungar | 3 May 1664 |
Robert White, of Bottesford, & Ann Burbidge | 7 Nov.. " |
John Sommerby & Sarah Colcroft | 16 Oct.. 1665 |
John Batman & Elizth. Budge | 18 Feb.. 1670 |
Joell Rimington & Mary Bollinson | 16 May 1671 |
Francis Reere & Mary Pagett | 15 June 1672 |
John Write & Alice Pearson | 28 Nov.. " |
William Bliss & Elizth. Tar | 5 July 1673 |
Robert Bateman & Elizabeth Fourmidge | 14 Feb.. " |
John Greene, of Barkstone, & Katherine Rainolds | 28 Nov.. 1674 |
John Milnhouse & Elizabeth Woodford | 22 June 1675 |
John Dalliwater & Alice Charity | 8 Nov.. " |
William Dasely (Dadesley?) & Elizth. Weston | 17 Nov.. 1677 |
Henry Milnhouse & Elizth. Harby | 16 May 1680 |
John Painter & Ann Caunt | 29 Jan. I682 |
William Marshall & Ann Jenkinson | 21 Oct.. 1683 |
Robert Stokes & E1izth. Cham | 1 May 1684 |
William Furmitch & Elizabeth Charity | 9 May 1685 |
Robert Pole & Jane Haslam | 1 Jan. " |
John Black & Alice Green | 13 Jan. 1686 |
Thomas Pick & Elizth Buss | 30 Aug.. 1687 |
John Braunson & Ann Topley | 27 Dec.. 1688 |
Richard Robinson & Mary Rouse | 13 Feb.. 1689 |
Thomas Rear & Mary Rawlinson | 1 May 1690 |
Thomas Parkinson & Mary Hough | 14 Jan. 1691 |
(The leaves containing the remainder of the register for the year 1692, the whole of it for 1693, and the greater part of it for 1694 are missing. Transcripts exist at Leicester, however, for the years 1692 and I693). |   |
  |   |
Thomas Wilkinson & Mary Sommerby | 1694 |
This Wilkinson does not belong to the family of John Wilkinson, father of Ann who married Richard Birch in Muston, 1750 |   |
Thomas Greene & Alice Black | 28 Oct.. 1694 |
Thomas Gulson, of [illegible], & Ann Hootton | 28 Oct.. " |
John Ward, of Eaton, & Jane Rear | 28 Apr.. 1696 |
Thomas Pick, of Scalford, & Ann Bateman | 7 June " |
John Summerby & Elizth Hawlingworth | 19 Nov.. " |
Richard Stokes & Anne Bend | 9 Nov.. 1696 |
Wil1iam Twist, of Harston, & Mary Churchman, of Sproxton | 25 May 1697 |
William Baeman & Agnes Raggsdale | 12 June " |
William Pasmidge & Mary Stokes | 5 May 1698 |
"Johannes Philippus EIars uxorem duxit Elizabetham Banks, 7 cal Septembres," 1699 |   |
William Southerington & Alice Gibbon | 2 Dec.. 1699 |
Robert Dadsley, & Elizth. Henly | 30 Apr.. 1700 |
Nicolas Henly & Ann Taft | 16 June 1701 |
Stephen Flower & Susannah Eliot | 1 Sept... " |
Edward Wood & Mary Flint | 1 June 1702 |
Thomas Lovett & Sarah Sharp | 17 Nov.. " |
Thomas Lovett may have been the father of Richard Lovatt whose name appears in the poll book of 1741 which also has Samuel Sharp. The 1720 poll book has no Lovett but three Sharps. |   |
John Derriells & Mary Dosen | 6 June 1703 |
William Gilbert & Jane Parker | 17 Jan. 1705 |
George Birkin & Ann Green | 30 Oct.. 1706 |
Richard Painter & Ann Thompson | 13 Apr. 1708 |
John Simpson & Elizth Birch | 22 Jun. " |
Elizabeth was possibly aunt. to Charles Birch 'the 1st'. John Simpson is in the 1720 poll book. |   |
William Cooper, of *M (remainder eaten by mice), & Elizth. Bend (date gone) | 1712 |
*Melton Mowbray in pencil |   |
Richard Jackson & Alice Churchman | 4 July 1714 |
Anthony Geal & Elizth. Cooper | 10 Oct.. " |
Richard Marshall & Elizth. Stokes | 3 Apr.. 1716 |
John Painter & X (remainder of entry eaten by mice) | May " |
Robert Piper & Elizth (remainder eaten by mice) | 12 Nov.. " |
Richard & Elizabeth Tompson marryed | 30 Oct.. 1717 |
(Their daughter Lettice baptised May 11th 1718 so suppose they had the same surname) |   |
Joshua Matchett & Mary Wilson | 30 Mar. 1719 |
Thomas Green & Ann Ludlow | 21 June " |
Charles Lamb & Marg: Braunson | 29 Oct.. " |
Richard Wright & Ann Parkinson | 4 Nov.. " |
Richard Reare & Bridget Grice | May 1720 |
VOLUME 1V. |   |
Thomas Tayler & Anne Burgin, w | 5 June 1712 |
Robert Beck & Mary Lynn, w., both of Muston | I2 Aug.. 1712 |
John Clifton, of Muston & Elizabeth Hooton | 2 May 1723 |
John Taylor & Elizabeth Wellby, of Muston | 14 Nov.. 1724 |
John Brown, of Redmile, & Anne Lamb, of Bottesford | 17 Apr.. 1725 |
William Bend, of R., & Mary Watson, of Wolsthorpe | 19 July 1725 |
John Berrisford & Ann Wollborn, of Muston | 14 Nov. 1725 |
Richard Bugg & Mary Roberts | 20 Oct. 1726 |
Matthew Marshall & Elizabeth Passmidge | 1 July 1727 |
James Freckingham & Elizabeth Berridge, both of Muston | 21 Oct. 1728 |
William Whitaker, of Stathern, & Elizabeth Coates | 13 Jan 1728 |
Charles Birch & Catherine Passmidge | 14 Apr. 1729 |
This appears to be the first marriage of Charles Birch '1st'. This entry is duplicated at Muston where the marriage probably actually took place. There were no Birches at Redmile in 1664 |   |
Richard Robinson & Elizabeth Williamson | 27 May 1729 |
Richard Derry, of Allington, & Mary Bateman, of Muston | 7 May 1730 |
John Roberts & Margaret Robinson | 4 July 1730 |
George Lane & Sarah Rear | 10 Feb. 1730 |
James Freckingham, of Bottesford, & Mary Hand | 30 May 1731 |
John Parr & Mary Mackly | 24 July 1732 |
Mackley is an old Leicestershire name but was not represented in Redmile in 1664. |   |
Edward Moor, of Syson, Linc., & Mary Robinson | 18 Nov. 1732 |
Philip O_____, of Muston, & Sarah______ | 15 Nov. 1733 |
Possibly Oliver, the name of a family of freeholders at Musson |   |
George Lane & Mary Lamb | 15 Nov. 1733 |
William Judgson, of Barkstone, & Elizabeth Hains | 22 Apr. 1734 |
William Roberts & Elizabeth Combly | 15 July 1734 |
John Brown & Mary Bellamy, of Muston | 26 May 1735 |
Charles Birch & Dorothy Ragsdale | 13 Nov. 1735 |
Probably the second marriage of Charles Birch 'the first'. He died intestate in 1767. The Ragsdales were not represented in Redmile in 1664 but appeared there again later. There was a William Ragisdalle of Redmile who died there in 1569. His will is preserved at Leicester. |   |
John Fawks, of Hickling, co. Nott., & Mary Stokes | 30 Dec. 1736 |
Francis Ludlow & Elizabeth Maltby | 17 Mar 1736 |
John Hand, of Long Clawston, w., & Ann Wright, of Redmile | 14 May 1737 |
George Grice & Elizabeth Brown | 16 Feb. 1738 |
John Holmes & Mary Hand | 26 Dec. 1738 |
William Branston & Sarah Barnes | 18 Nov. 1740 |
William Miles alias Parks, & Ann Green | 20 Feb. 1743 |
William Widdowson & Elizabeth Hollingworth | 5 Nov. 1745 |
Thomas Taylor & Eleanor Shore | 2 Sept.. 1746 |
John Colcroft and Ann Green | 28 Jan 1747 |
There were two families of Colcroft or Calcraft in Redmile in 1664. The name is a Bottesford name of early date. |   |
They were 'well to do' |   |
Edward Marshal, of Muston, & Elizabeth Symons | 11 May 1749 |
William Taylor, of Helpringham, & Elizabeth Dewey | 26 Dec. 1749 |
Thomas Furmidge & Rebecca Nail, of Branston | 26 May 1751 |
James Scoffield & Mary Hardy | 15 Sept.. 1751 |
John Brown & Hannah Williamson | 22 Mar 1753 |
William Geesing & Ann Bend | 19 Aug. 1753 |
Richard Flint & Valentine Bullard, lic., with consent of parents | 20 Aug. 1754 |
Thomas Dewey & Ann Hinson, with consent of parents | 26 Aug. 1754 |
Joseph Hotchin & Elizabeth Pritchard, with consent of parents | 26 Nov. 1754 |
William Harpham, of Basford, & Ann Allam, with consent of parents | 13 July 1755 |
The Allams or Hallams were not represented in Redmile in 1664. In 1775 John Hallam was a freeholder of Redmile. |   |
John Pulfree & Sarah Rear, with consent of parents | 2 Nov. 1755 |
Robert Thompson & Elizabeth Wood, with consent of parent | 10 Feb. 1756 |
Christopher Roberts & Mary Robinson, with consent of parents | 5 Sept.. 1756 |
John Nicholson & Mary Calcroft, with Consent of parents | 18 July 1757 |
Edward Lord, of Knipton, co. Leic., & Ann Lee, of this parish, |   |
by lic., with consent of parents | 30 Nov. 1757 |
William Chester & Mary Handley | 28 Mar 1758 |
Henry Chester, of Sedgebrook, co. Linc:, & Ann Jackson | 15 May 1758 |
Thomas Fisher & Dorothy Brown | 13 June 1758 |
Richard Roberts & Ann Muston | 16 July 1758 |
Richard Rooe [or Rose] & Elizabeth Roe | 21 Oct. 1758 |
Thomas Burket & Ann Baggerley | 24 Oct. 1758 |
Robert Brewer, of Sproxton, & Ann Brown | 22 Nov. 1758 |
Thomas Bissill, of Knipton, & Eleanor Parr, a minor | 11 Feb. 1760 |
These surnames are comparative latecomers to Redmile. In 1775 Richard Parr was a freeholder owning a house & cottage. |   |
Thomas Paget, of R., & Mary Ann Scott, of Whatton, co. Nott., lic. | 29 Mar 1760 |
William Roberts & Alice Huckerby | 25 Nov. 1760 |
Samuel Hooton & Sarah Branston | 27 Nov. 1760 |
James Harris, of Harston, co. Leic., & Jane Taylor | 17 Mar 1761 |
Thomas Furmidge, w., & Catherine Chamberlane, lic | 24 May 1761 |
John Caunt & Frances Sills | 13 May 1762 |
Thomas Leighton, of Long Claxton, & Ann Wilbourne | 1 June 1762 |
William Stokes, of Barkstone, & Elizabeth Brown, lic | 16 July 1762 |
John Day & Elizabeth Stimson | 9 June 1764 |
John Watson, of Elton, co. Nott : & Esther Robinson | 3 July 1764 |
Edward Hotching, of Long Bennington, co. Linc., & Jane Geesin | 3 July 1764 |
Joseph Forman, of Waltham, & Elizabeth Doubleday | 16 Sept.. 1764 |
James Barnes & Millicent Huckerby | 23 Sept.. 1764 |
George Sills, of R., & Sarah Bugg, of Bottesford, lic | 18 Feb. 1765 |
Joshua Gibson, of Woolsthorpe, co. Linc., & Ann Loveit | 19 May 1766 |
William Scarborough & Sarah Whitaker | 29 May 1768 |
Richard Roberts & Ann Skinner | 24 Nov. 1768 |
Richard Morden & Prudence Bend | 5 Jan 1769 |
VOLUME V. |   |
Thomas Spiser & Ann Handley | 12 Dec. 1769 |
Richard Bagshaw, of Muston, & Ann Dewey | 13 Feb. 1770 |
William Golling & Hannah Bend | 19 Jan 1772 |
William Smart & Mary Lovett | 2 Mar 1772 |
Neither surname appears at Redmile in 1664. In 1775 there were two Smarts, both freeholders, probably father and son as both were named William. At this date Richard Lovett owned a house and land, both in his own occupation. The name Lovett was formerly well represented in the Bunny district of Nottinghamshire and also in some parts of Leicestershire. |   |
Matthew Wolfe, p. Eaton, & Grace Glenn | 26 Aug. 1772 |
Charles Birch & Bridget Blankley | 26 Nov. 1772 |
Charles Birch '2nd', the father of Richard Birch. Bridget died in 1831. There were no Blankleys at Redmile and it seems likely that she was a grandaughter of Thomas Blankley of Eaton and Bridgett Sills married at Branston in 1702 |   |
William Stockwell & Mary Marriott | 30 Nov. 1772 |
The first appearance of Stockwell. The name Mariott appears in Redmile in the 1664 Hearth Tax Returns |   |
James Hugall, of Edwinstowe, co. Notts. & Sarah Smart | 14 Apr. 1773 |
William Rose, of Eaton, & Bridget Holmes | 20 May 1773 |
Thomas Kingston, of Long Clawson, & Sarah Mackley | 11 July 1773 |
Thomas Marriott & Sarah Barker | 12 July 1773 |
Thomas Hornbuckle & Sarah Lovitt | 26 July 1773 |
Hornbuckle appears for the first time. It was formerly well represented at West Bridgford and elsewhere in Notts, also in the vicinity of Loughborough |   |
Thomas Hickson & Catherine Bateman | 2 Aug. 1774 |
Hickson is an old Barkestone name and is now represented at Bottesford. |   |
William Robinson & Ann Gibson | 18 Dec. 1775 |
Matthew Johnson & Ann Wright | 10 Nov. 1776 |
James Brewitt & Susannah Scoffield | 25 Nov. 1776 |
Richard Bristow, of Hoseby, p. Hather, co. Linc., & Eliz . Goodwin, lic. |   |
The Rev. Geo. .Turner, Surrte. | 25 Nov. 1776 |
John Manchester, of Harby, & Mary Brown, lic | 28 Apr. 1777 |
William Furmidge & Eleanor Lovitt | 23 Apr. 1778 |
John Allam & Mary Dring | 13 Dec. 1778 |
John Wilkinson, of R., & Mary Bean, of Aslockton, p. Whatton, co. Nott., lic | 26 Dec. 1778 |
Mary Bean, elder daughter of John Bean of Aslockton, yeoman, who died intestate in 1791, and Ann Pratt of Bottesford. The will of Susannah Bean, second wife and relict of John Bean elucidates the relationship. She left a token legacy of 1/- each to her two 'daughters in law (stepdaughters), Mary Wilkinson of Redmile and Ann Selby of Grantham'. This will was proved in the York Registry in July 1798. Before her marriage to John Bean, Susannah was the widow of Joseph Musson of Barkeston. She was childless. |   |
William Judson & Sarah Wiseman | 17 Jan 1779 |
Benjamin Maddock, surgeon, of Nottingham, & Mary North, lic | 21 Jan 1779 |
Richard Sharpe, of Whatton, co. Nottm ., & Isabell Parnham | 23 May 1779 |
John Hand & Ann Hough, lic | 14 Sept.. 1779 |
John Breedon & Catherine Lee | 19 Feb. 1781 |
John Swain, p. Long Claxton, & Susanna Barker | 16 July 1781 |
William Spreckley, of Sutton St. Mary, co. Linc., & Ann Watson | 23 Apr. 1782 |
Francis Morris, of R., & Mary Gibson, of Elton, co. Nottm lic | 24 June 1782 |
William Hallam & Ann Wills | 11 Nov. 1782 |
Matthew Selby, of Grantham, & Ann Bean, lic | 9 Dec. 1782 |
Ann Bean, second daughter of John Bean, see Mary (above) |   |
Charles Rich & Eliz. Lovitt | 12 June 1783 |
Thomas Geeson, of Branston, & Eliz. Kirton | 24 Nov. 1783 |
William Morris & Esther Hand | 13 May 1784 |
Joshua Bunyan, of R., & Sarah Miller, of Bottesford | 11 May 1785 |
William Brutnal, of Scalford, & Eliz'. Stanwell | 3 Oct. 1785 |
William Parr & Alice Furmidge | 26 Dec. 1785 |
William Baker & Eleanor Nicholson | 26 Jan 1786 |
Thomas Pearson, of Bottesford, & Ann Harris | 31 Jan 1786 |
William Beckworth, of Barkstone, & Alice Passmidge, lic | 20 Sept.. 1786 |
John Kemp & Elizth. Bagshawe | 1 Jan 1787 |
George Preston & Susannah Handley | 14 Jan 1787 |
Preston appears in the marriage registers for the first time. Handley appears twice in the 1664 Hearth Tax Returns, John Handley snr and John Handley jnr., who were apparently in comfortable circumstances. see note on Vol. 2 |   |
John Day, junr., of R., & Mary Harvey, of Granby, co. Notts, lic | 2 June 1788 |
Robert Mackley, of R., & Sarah Lovitt, of Stathern | 13 July 1788 |
John Allam, junr., of R., & Mary Williams, of Long Clawson | 15 July 1788 |
Richard Sharpe & Ann Howet | 24 Nov. 1788 |
Mr John Shilcock & Miss Theodosia Hough, lic | 22 Apr. 1790 |
Richard Felstead & Sarah Riley | 22 May 1791 |
John Westmokett [?Westmacott], of Harston, & Ann Roberts | 28 Nov. 1791 |
Thomas Gregg & Ann Day | 12 Dec. 1791 |
John Spray, of Somerby, co. Linc., & Jemima Bailey | 16 Apr. 1792 |
George Hotching & Sarah Felstead | 26 Nov. 1792 |
Richard Key, of Manthorpe, & Abigail Bishop | 25 Feb. 1793 |
John Bissill & Eliz. Furmidge, lic | 6 May 1793 |
Thomas Hotching & Sarah Barber | 24 Nov. 1793 |
John Monk, of Bottesford, & Mary Barns | 12 Dec. 1793 |
Janles Eaton & Sarah Henshaw, both of Belvoir Castle, lic | 19 Jan 1794 |
William Mackley & Eliz. Smart, lic. | 3 Feb. 1794 |
Robert Furmidge & Dorothy Lyne | 17 Feb. 1794 |
William Roberts & Mary Brewster | 24 Nov. 1794 |
Richard Birch & Ann Wilkinson, lic | 29 Dec. 1794 |
Ann's father John, 'the younger', was the elder son of John ,'the elder', of Redmile, a son of John Wilkinson of Ruddington, Notts. The Wilkinsons were established at Ruddington in pre-reformation times. Richard Birch was the elder son of Charles Birch '2nd'. Ann Wilkinson was under 16 years old at the time of the marriage. |   |
James Summerland, of R & Mary Pykett, of Bottesford, lic. | 3 Apr. 1795 |
James Barnes & Ann Culley | 6 Apr. 1795 |
Mr Richard Fisher of Newark-on Trent, & Miss Frances Leeson lic. | 20 Aug. 1795 |
Thomas Chamberlain & Mary Mackley | 26 Oct. 1795 |
John Walker, of Cropwell Bishop, & Elizth Leighton | 4 Jan 1796 |
William Humphries ,of Hose, & Sarah Parr | 29 Mar 1796 |
William Rick & Ann Parr | 22 Aug. 1796 |
Robert Newcomb & Rebecca Bishop | 9 Jan 1797 |
Robert Lewis, of Yaxley, co. Huntingdon, & Sarah Passmidge, lic. | 30 Oct. 1797 |
George Brewster, of Melton, & Ann Chettle lic | 27 Dec. 1797 |
William Cant, of Barkstone, & Mary Beardsley | 21 May 1798 |
John Bishop, of R., & Sarah Snow, of Croxton Kerrial | 16 July 1798 |
Thomas Tyler & Catherine Barnes | 24 Nov. 1801 |
Jolln Allen & Martha Dore | 25 Jan 1802 |
William Sandon & Mary Scothorn | 30 Apr. 1802 |
Thomas Roberts & Elizth. Rick | 9 Aug. 1802 |
George Rose, of Bottesford, & Mary Growcock | 21 Feb. 1803 |
William Allen & Elizth. Burton | 26 Sept.. 1803 |
William Sampey, of Hawton, co. Nottm. & Ann Hand, lic | 8 Nov. 1803 |
William Robinson, w., & Mary Rick, w. | 13 July 1805 |
William Newcomb & Mary Bishop | 15 July 1805 |
Richard Parr & Mary Bissill | 4 Feb. 1807 |
Henry Birch & Ann Mackley, lic. | 29 June 1807 |
Henry Birch was the younger of the two sons of Charles Birch '2nd'. He was a baker and in 1830 was returned as a freeholder of Redmile |   |
Thomas Mackley & Elizabeth Brewitt | 12 July 1807 |
Robert Scotnev & Hannah Stanningborough | 14 Nov. 1808 |
Robert Shipman, of Grantham, & Hannah Hand, lic | 17 Apr. 1809 |
John Roberts of R, & Mary Stockwell, of Stathern | 8 May 1809 |
John Preston & Eleanor Bissill | 2 Jan 1810 |
John Marriott, of Melton Mowbray, & Rebekah Furmidge | 5 Mar 1810 |
Thomas Windle & Rhoda Hallam | 19 Feb. 1811 |
Thomas Andrews, of Bottesford, & Phoebe Kemp | 15 July 1811 |
Samuel Geeson & Alice Furmidge | 30 June 1812 |
William Musson, of Waltham-on-the-Wolds, & Frances StockweIl, lic | 30 Nov. 1812 |
VOLUME Vl. |   |
William King & Martha Stark, both of Belvoir Castle | 4 Jan 1813 |
William Gibson & Ann Allam | 16 Aug. 1813 |
William Shipman, of Eaton, & Elizth. Hand, lic. | 2 Mar 1814 |
Anthony Yeomans & Jane Gibson | 16 May 1814 |
John Robinson, of R., & Mary Ann Scarborough, of Elston, co. Nottm | 26 Dec. 1814 |
Thomas Furmidge & Ann Smart, lic | 6 Feb. 1815 |
Thomas Furmidge was a farmer and freeholder of Redmile in 1830. The name appears in the Hearth Tax Returns 1664. |   |
Robert Brown, of Bottesford, & Rebecca Chettle | 8 May 1815 |
William Chettle & Elizth. Chamberlain | 10 Feb. 1817 |
The name Chettle appears for the first time, it was represented in Bingham in the 17th and 18th centuries. |   |
James Monks & Ann Marson | 29 Sept.. 1817 |
John Miller, of Long Clawson, w., & Ann Swain | 22 Dec. 1817 |
Robert Geeson & Elizabeth Hallam | 26 May 1818 |
Robert Hunt, of Sutton, p. of Beckingham, co. Linc. & Gatty Shillcock | 15 June 1818 |
William Dewey, of Plungar, & Elizth. Thorpe [or Sharpe] | 6 July 1818 |
John Codd Carter, of Woolsthorpe, co. Linc., & Margaret HalIam, lic | 19 Aug. 1818 |
Richard Gretton & Ann Gregg | 28 Dec. 1818 |
John Swain, w., & Elizth. Schofield | 3 May 1819 |
John Marson & Elizth. Hardy | 10 May 1819 |
William Furmidge, of R., & Elizth Topps, of Easthorpe | 12 July 1819 |
John Allen, w., & Sarah Bishop | 19 July 1819 |
Edward Parr, of Long Sutton, co. Linc., & Maria Parr, lic. | 25 July 1820 |
Thomas Furmidge, of R., & Esther Harris, of Barkston | 24 Sept... l820 |
Josiah Fogg & Mary Dixon | 30 Oct.. 1820 |
Thomas Brown, w., of Frisby-on-the-Wreake, & Elizabeth Furmidge | 28 Dec.. 1820 |
Charles Birch & Anne Hallam, lic | 26 Mar 1821 |
Charles Birch was the eldest son of Richard Birch. He farmed at Swarby Linc. where the name is still |   |
represented by his descendants. |   |
John Gregg, of R, & Sarah Snoden, of Knossington | 10 Apr. 1821 |
Thomas Munk & Jane Marson | 11 June 1821 |
George Beaumont of Winthorpe, co. Nottm. & Ann Shilcock, lic. | 26 July 1821 |
Joseph Allen, of Mansfield, co. Nottm. & Ann Birch, lic. | 22 Aug.. 1821 |
Joseph Allen was a grocer & tea dealer in Mansfield. His widow Ann, eldest daughter of Richard Birch, was living in 1856 |   |
Thomas Bateman & Ann Smalley | 27 Aug.. 1821 |
Thomas Roberts, of R., & Mary Jackson, of Belvoir Castle | 15 May 1822 |
Joseph Hardy & Elizth. Durrands | 28 July 1822 |
William Jarvis, w., & Hannah Wood | 31 Aug. 1822 |
Thomas Hand of Sproxton, & Susanna Goodson | 19 Feb. 1823 |
Peter Parr & Frances Mackley, lic. | 31 May 1823 |
John Challings & Lydia Gregg | 3 Sept... 1823 |
Gervase Perkins, of Scalford, & Sarah Hallam | 27 Dec.. 1823 |
William Par, of Bingham, co. Nottm. & Ann Geeson, with consent of parents | 18 Feb. 1824 |
Robert Mackley & Sarah Hallam, lic. | 25 Apr.. 1824 |
Robert Smith, of Scarrington, co. Nottm. & Elizth. Gregs | 28 June 1824 |
James Brewitt of R., & Ann Able, of Belvoir Castle | 26 Aug. 1824 |
John Marriott, w., of Melton Mowbray, & Eleanor Smart, lic. | 11 Sept... 1824 |
William Stockwell & Sarah Mackley | 2 Oct.. 1824 |
George Pennistone & Caroline Thorpe | 1 Jan. I825 |
Thomas Stevenson, of Plungar & Frances Stockwell | 18 July 1825 |
The Stock wells were 'the principal means of originating the society, raising the chapel & commencing our Sabbath school in Redmile' (Frances Stockwell's obituary in the Primitive Methodist magazine of 1863) Thomas Stevenson was a farmer. |   |
James Challans, of Bottesford, & Mary Rick | 10 Oct.. 1825 |
Samuel Parks, w., of Arno1d, co. Nottm. & Mary Roberts | 10 Apr.. 1826 |
William Wilson & Mary Sherwin | 29 Nov.. 1826 |
William Dable of Flintham, co., Nottm., & Sarah Swain | 16 Jan 1827 |
William Musson, of Barkstone, & Bridget Birch, lic. | 2 Apr. 1827 |
William Musson was son of the fourth Benjamin Musson of Barkestone and a great grandson of Daniel Smith of Plungar (founder of the school at Barkestone). He was born in 1801. Bridget Birch was a daughter of Richard Birch. |   |
John Parnham, of Bingham, co. Nottm. & Elizth. Geesing | 16 July 1827 |
George Hotchin, w., & Mary Steel | 7 Oct. 1827 |
William Gibson, w., & Sarah Sills, lic. | 20 Dec. 1827 |
William Emlyn Smith, of Hammersmith, co. Middlesex, w., & Frances Shilcock, lic | 22 Apr. 1828 |
John Hayes of Belvoir Castle & Ann Robson, of Bryanstone Square, p. of Marylebone, London, lic. | 24 Nov. 1829 |
Charles Tomlinson, of Budby, co. Nott., & Matilda Rick | 28 Jan 1830 |
William Swain, w., of R., & Ann White, of Belvoir | 11 May 1830 |
Henry Birch & Maria Curtis, lic. | 13 Oct. 1830 |
Henry Birch was the youngest son of Richard Birch and was a farmer at Claypole. |   |
Edward Porter & Sarah Stevenitt | 22 Jan 1831 |
Matthew Marshall, of Barkeston, & Lucy Birch, "with consent of parents" lic. | 8 Mar 1831 |
Marshalls appeared at Bottesford before the Reformation. Matthew Marshall was the son of John Marshall of Normanton. Lucy Birch was the youngest daughter of Richard Birch and was under age at her marriage. John Marshall belonged to the Barkestone Marshalls who were established there prior to the Commonwealth. |   |
John Copley, of Hickling, co. Nottm., & Frances Patchett | 17 May 1831 |
William Ward, w., & Jane Yeomans, w. | 18 July 1831 |
Edward Bass & Elizth. Rick | 24 Oct. 1831 |
George Sharman & Charlotte Hollings, both of Belvoir Castle, lic. | 11 Jan 1832 |
Edmund Hallam, of Barkstone, & Mary Swain | 14 Mar 1832 |
Henry Roadley, of Grantham, & Elizth. Keith | 27 Mar 1832 |
William Stow, of Belvoir Inn and & Sarah Scoffield | 19 Nov. 1832 |
William Scoffield, of R., & Frances Challands, of Bottesford | 1 Jan 1833 |
William Bissill & Sarah Wilders, lic. | 26 Feb. 1833 |
James Parkes, of Shirland, co. Derby, & Sarah Sherwin | 18 Mar 1833 |
Thomas Swain & Charlotte Marshall | 23 June 1834 |
Thomas Pickard & Lucy Burden | 18 Aug. 1834 |
Edward Marriott, of Frisby-on-the-Wreak, & Mary Geeson | 7 Apr. 1835 |
William Stockwell, w., & Alice Wilders, lic. | 11 May 1835 |
Isaac Durance, of Barkstone, & Alice Burden | 2 June 1835 |
William Patchett & Maria Worthington, lic. | 11 June 1835 |
William Mackley, of R., & Ann Whitworth, of Belvoir | 23 June 1835 |
Frances Jackson, of Grantham, & Ann Wilders, lic. | 19 July 1835 |
Richard Birch, w., & Martha Marshall | 9 May 1836 |
John Parker & Comfort Durrands | 18 Sept.. 1836 |
Thomas Musson, w., & Alice Milhouse | 26 Dec. 1836 |
Gervase Perkins, w., & Jane Wilkinson | 16 Jan 1837 |
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AB - KETTLEBY; |   |
William Parke & Mary Duffet, both of Redmile | 11 Nov 1727 |
John Bateman of Redmile & Catherine Glover | 5 Jan 175 |
Robert Mackley of Redmile & Mary Porter | 18 Nov 1762 |
John Hornbuckle of Redmile & Mary Grocock | 6 Apr 1769 |
Robert Pasmidge of Redmile & Ann Butler, licence. | 8 Aug 1777 |
Matthew Marshall & Sarah Hornbuckle of Redmile, licence | 3 Dec 1782 |
Edward Pick of Redmile & Ann Pear | 20 Aug 1821 |
George Morris, p. Redmile & Sarah Rear | 20 Apr 1823 |
John Brown, p. Redmile & Ann Holmes | 13 Jul 1835 |
BINGHAM: |   |
Robert Hough of Redmile & Ann Howitt of Skoforth, by banns in the market | 3 Nov 1656 |
John Green of Redmile & Alice Write of Bingham | 25 Jan 1667 |
Peter Hemsley of Broughton & Isabella Cam p. Redmile | 28 June 1686 |
BLEASBY: |   |
Henry Meads of Redmile & Hannah Reynold? | 7 Jan 1717 |
Christopher Smeath of Reedmell & Agnes Howitt of Northmanton (Normanton) | 7 Jul 1618 |
William Breedon & Elizabeth Pennistone of Redmile | 5 May 1718 |
Richard Jackson of Redmile & Ann Jervise | 21 Feb 1725 |
John Rose of Redmile & Eleanor Gilbert | 2 Mar 1730 |
William Scarborough, W, of Redmile & Sarah Hubbard, W | 1 Aug 1785 |
Richard Heyes of Redmile & Sarah Ravell, lic. | 25 May 1791 |
Richard Vincent W, of Bottsford & Mary Hoyse, W, of Redmile | 31 Dec 1801 |
Thomas Wood of Redmile & Hannah Burrows | 15 Feb 1802 |
Thomas Geeson of Redmile & Elizabeth Winter | 7 May 1810 |
Charles Marston, W, of Redmile & Elizabeth Bailey, W | 28 Apr 1811 |
John Morley of Redmile, servant, & Ellen Bridge of Branston, servant | 16 Jan 1636 |
William Wartnaby of Redmile & Ann Peal of Branston | 28 Apr 1700 |
John Day of Redmile & Elizabeth Hebb | 22 Apr 1740 |
COSTON; |   |
William Green of Redmile & Eleanor Healey | 26 Feb 1692 |
Edward Robinson p. Redmile & Ann Elston of this parish, licence | 21 Aug 1762 |
Robert Good, weaver of Redmile, co. Leics, son of John Good, weaver, of Botsworth, co. Leics. & Margaret Marriott, dau. of Thomas Marriott, were married by the Alderman of Grantham & Abraham Bateman, vicar of Croxton. | 20 Feb 1654 |
Thomas Handley of Redmile & Mary Jackson, licence, | 23 Dec 1702 |
Philip King, p. Redmile & Harriet Bass | 21 Apr 1829 |
DENTON: |   |
Robert Bayliss, p. Redmile & Elizth. Parker | 26 Nov 1798 |
Richard Greene of Redmile & Elizth. Mayfield, dau. of William Mayfield, lic. | 10 Nov 1629 |
Richard Rear of Redmile & Catherine Flint of Eastwell | 15 Nov 1724 |
Samuel Sharpe & Elizabeth Furmidge, both of Redmile | 24 Jan 1728 |
EATON: |   |
John Cox, p. Eaton & Sarah Haynes of Redmile | 10 Jun 1822 |
James Musson, p. Redmile & Sarah Oswin | 27 Apr 1835 |
Thomas Read of Melton Mowbray & Ann Cam of Redmile | 6 May 1671 |
John Killingley of Goadby Marwood & Mary Wilkinson of Redmile | 8 Apr 1711 |
William Handley of Redmile & Susannah Rear of Croxton Kerial, licence | 23 Mar 1730 |
John Bend of Redmile & Susannah Hardy of Harby, licence | 7 May 1733 |
William Derbyshire of Thoroton & Ann Painter of Redmile, licence | 8 Sep 1736 |
William Mackley & Frances Passmidge, both of Redmile, licence | 8 Sep 1737 |
Richard Smith of Long Clawson & Ann Parr of Redmile, licence | 2 Dec 1738 |
GRANBY: |   |
William Handely p. Redmile & Isabella Parnham | 19 Jun 1577 |
William Pulfree p. Redmile & Ann Barker | 14 July 1788 |
Thomas Blower & Mary Binn of Redmile | 7 Mar 1725 |
William Ward of Redmile & Mary Harrison | 15 Oct 1821 |
HARBY: |   |
William Robertson of Redmile, W, & Mary Frisby, W, | 17 Jun 1824 |
HARSTON: |   |
William Judson of Redmile & Mary Glen | 14 May 1760 |
HOSE: |   |
Benjamin Geeson of Redmile & Elizth. Gibson | 25 Jan 1813 |
John Parr p. Redmile & Esther Bates, licence | 3 Sept. 1792 |
KNIPTON: |   |
John Dadsley of Redmile & Elizth. Sympson of Knipton | 18 Jun 1681 |
John Smart of Knipton & Ann Tinkler of Redmile | 27 Nov 1809 |
John Coy of Knipton & Lydia Watson of Redmile | 11 Mar 1816 |
Thomas Lovatt of Redmile & Sarah Parr of Grantham | 24 Nov 1751 |
Samuel Sharp of Redmile & Ann Daft of Long Clawson | 28 Nov 1674 |
William Jackson, husbandman, of Redmile & Mary Locke, sp. of Croxton Kerrial, |   |
published in the market place 19 & 26 Feb & 4 Mar | 1655 |
Matthew Ravell, gunsmith, & Elizth. Pasmuch, sp. both of Redmile, |   |
pub. in market place 29 Apr, & 13 May | 1656 |
William Daddsley, labourer, of Redmile, & Mary Goodwin, of Harby, |   |
pub. in market place. 29 July, 5 & 12 Aug. | 1656 |
William Dennys, labourer, of Redmile & Elizth. Dennys, sp., of Easthorpe, p. Bottesford, |   |
pub. in market place 13, 20 & 27 Jan | 1656 |
Nicholas Hanley & Ann Topley, W., both of Redmile, |   |
pub. in market place 10, 17 & 24 Mar | 1656 |
Will. Greene, yeoman, of Redmile & Sarah Shepheardson, sp. at the X (begun) | 24 Mar 1656-7 |
Joseph Smith of Lowesby & Mary Stokes of Redmile, licence | 3 Nov 1719 |
William Willomott of Redmile & Elizth. Reynald | 20 Nov 1722 |
The first six marriages above were at the market cross and were civil marriages before a Justice of the Peace as was necessary under the Commonwealth. |   |
MUSTON: |   |
John Hooten of Redmile & Mary Gibbert | 13 Nov 1708 |
Edward Farmer & Mary Rear of Redmile | 20 May 1712 |
Charles Birch & Catherine Passmig (duplicated at Redmile) | 14 Apr 1729 |
John Southerington of Redmile & Elizth. Jarvase of Easthorpe | 10 Nov 1740 |
James Handley & Ann Brown of Redmile | 17 Nov 1743 |
William Green of Redmile & Ann Geal of Woolsthorpe | 12 Mar 1743 |
Edward Parr & Mary Lamb of Redmile | 27 May 1744 |
Joseph Brown of Foston & Sarah Marsh of Redmile | 2 Sep 1744 |
James Hand & Ann Rear, both of Redmile | 20 Nov 1746 |
Robert Passmidge & Alice Geal, both of Redmile | 2 Dec 1746 |
Edward Taylor & Jane Hopkinson of Redmile | 20 Feb 1747 |
Richard Huggins of Orston & Elizth. Bend of Redmile | 30 Jun 1747 |
William Bend & Margaret Porter, both of Redmile | 12 Oct 1747 |
Francis Baggerley & Ann Miller, both of Redmile | 12 Nov 1747 |
George Harris & Sarah Brown, both of Redmile | 12 Nov 1747 |
William Mackley jnr. & Susannah Simmons | 16 Nov 1747 |
William Mackley snr., of Redmile & Elizabeth Sharp | 23 Nov 1747 |
William Passmidge of Redmile & Hannah Graves | 3 Nov 1749 |
John Wilkinson of Redmile & Susannah Bean of Granby | 20 Oct 1750 |
This entry refers to John Wilkinson 'the elder' of Redmile, the grandfather of Ann Wilkinson, wife of Richard Birch. John Wilkinson 'the younger' was the son of the first marriage to Ann Hebb. |   |
Richard Jackson, jnr. of Redmile & Mary Gritten of Westborough | 26 Dec 1750 |
William Smart & Ann Hallam, both of Redmile | 20 Apr 1751 |
John Hallam of Redmile & Rhoda Jessop | 24 Sep 1753 |
The first mention of Hallam of Redmile. The 1775 poll book returns John Hallam as a freeholder of Redmile, having a house and land in his own occupation. he is the only Hallam or Allam in the Framland Hundred. He was the grandfather of Ann Hallam who married in 1821. |   |
John Bradwells, this p. & Mary Smart of Redmile, licence, at St Mary's | 11 Nov 1799 |
Richard Parr of Redmile, & Sarah Dexter of Langar, Notts. licence, at St Peter's | 16 Nov 1748 |
John Day, this p. & Mary Pickard of Redmile co. Leics. licence, at St Peter's | 17 Oct 1796 |
PLUNGAR: |   |
James Westdale of Plungar & Sarah Harby of Redmile | 7 July 1809 |
John Wilkinson & Ann Hebb | 21 Oct 1734 |
John Wilkinson's first marriage which took place by licence The Allegations read thus: '1734, Oct 21. John Wilkinson of Redmile co. Leics., farmer, 23, bachelor, & Ann Hebb of Ruddington 24, spinster., at same.' There has been a mistake in transcribing John Wilkinsons age; he was 32 not 23. (see tombstone at Redmile) John Wilkinson at Redmile was a freeholder at Long Clawson. in 1775. |   |
Thomas Roberts of Redmile & Alice Foxe | 28 Apr 1627 |
William Bailey p. Redmile & Ann Grey of Saxondale | 10 Jan 1790 |
Francis Miller p. Redmile & Esther Stokes, licence. | 8 Mar 1795 |
Robert Bampton of Redmile & Alice Grice | 27 Apr 1723 |
William Mackley of Redmile, co. Leics. & Mary Caunt | 14 Sept. 1775 |
William Hack of Redmile, co. Leics. & Elizth. Featherstone | 16 May 1780 |
John Pulfrey of Redmile co. Leics. & Elizth. Pickwith of Belvoir Castle, licence | 30 June 1811 |
Thomas Milner of Allington, yeoman, & Mary Furmidge of Redmile | 24 Aug 1653 |
William Palmer of Redmile, labourer, & Mary Lovett | 21 Apr 1702 |
WHATTON: |   |
Gabriel Barker of Bingham & Catherine Pastmich of Redmile, licence | 2 Apr 1672 |
John Handley of Redmile co. Linc., husbandman & Zinnibah Brasbriggs of Denton | 23 Mar 1600-1 |
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As with all transcriptions, information should be checked against the original source. Most Redmile Registers are on microfilm at the Leicestershire & Rutland Records Office & at Melton Library. |   |
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Linda Brockway Nov. 2000 |   |